Kids Be Calm Blend


Calming Blend for pre-teens and teens

The Kids Be Calm Blend will help to ease anxiety on a day-to-day basis or during high-stress times.

How to use: Apply to wrists or back of neck as often as needed. For deep relaxation, apply to the palms of your hands, rub together and cup over your nose, inhale deeply.

For ages 5-16 years old


  • Fractionated coconut oil
  • Lavender - known for its gentle floral aroma and calming properties, forms the heart of this blend. Its serene scent blankets the mind, easing tension and inviting a sense of peace.
  • Copaiba - renowned for its grounding nature. Copaiba's warm, woody essence harmonizes with lavender, anchoring emotions and promoting inner balance.
  • Peace & Calming - amplifies the calming effect, enveloping the senses in a cocoon of serenity.

Whether it's pre-exam jitters or social butterflies fluttering in the stomach, this blend stands as a steadfast ally, gently guiding the mind back to a place of calm. With each inhale, tensions melt away, replaced by a profound sense of ease and tranquillity.

Bespoke essential oil blends created with the aim of taking all the guesswork out of using essential oils for yourself and your family. This is the ideal place to start with using natural alternatives to support you and your child’s physical and emotional health. Each blend is made with a mix of carefully curated essential oils and diluted with coconut oil. 100% pure, natural and toxin-free ✨

Naturalee blends can help with everything from sinuses and immune support to anxiety and sleep support.

Each blend comes in a 10ml roller bottle for easy and safe application, with instructions on of how to best use them.

Other blends in the range include: Immunity, Supergirl, Courage, Soothe, Smile:), Boost, Sinus, Tummy, Be Calm, Breathe, Focus, Cool Dude, Aches & Pains, Sleep Tight

Safety: Always do a patch test, if an adverse reaction occurs discontinue use. Avoid eyes, ears, nose, or sensitive areas.

Disclaimer: These products are not intended to replace chronic medication. If problems persist or worsen, please seek the help of a medical professional.